Sunday, September 20, 2009

Blog Merge!!

I'm baaaacckkkk!! You may have noticed the large dump of posts today! No, I did not have an exceptionally exciting weekend... I just decided to take some of my posts from my other blogs, stick them here, and start over with just one!!

Here we go! (originally posted 08/05/2009)

Okay, so I am finally getting this thing started! If there is one thing I love to do - its plan vacations. When that vacation happens to be to my favourite place on earth, that is just icing on the cake! This time, said vacation happens to be for my family, but I also love living vicariously through others.

This is where I will be blogging about my experiences planning our trip. Along the way, I will offer advice and tips on not only how to plan your Disney vacation, but vacation planning in general.

This Christmas, my husband Paul, my son Ethan, and I are finally getting to spend Christmas in Disney World!! I am incredibly excited - I cannot wait to walk up Main Street USA and see all those Xmas decorations!!

This is the largest trip I have ever planned for myself. Previously, we have taken my sister and mother separately to the house of mouse. This time, they are both coming, along with my father (who, incidentally, has never been on a plane before. He is terrified... EEK!!).

More details to come!!!

Viva La Mexique!! (originally posted 1/16/09)

Well, we are back from Mexico, and I must say: I done good!

We stayed at the Grand Princess Riviera from Jan 6-13 in a Junior All Inclusive Deluxe room (room 8230). We were traveling with my bestest of best buds Meaghan, her wonderful husband Rob and my brother & sister in law, Jungle Rob & Bryanne.

This resort was completely stunning - I will definately be back and will recommend it to anyone I know looking for a sunshine getaway. I have no idea where the people who gave the hotel negative reviews at TripAdvisor were staying but it must have been in another dimension. Either that or they are incredibly rude and are getting bad service because they are doling out ignorance. Either way, every single staff member I spoke with was nothing but uber-friendly and always willing to lend a hand and offer service with a smile. We are not big tippers but still received exceptional service wherever we went.

The things I enjoyed most: Spending an ENTIRE week with Ms Campbell,the food, and the unlimited supply of wobbly pops. Nothing says Amazon Women like bathing suits, booze, and guacamole!!

I have officially decided that ignorant and whiny people drive me nuts, I do not have the patience for it. Negativity just sucks the air out of a room and leaves a lead weight in my stomach. I wish people would take a lesson from that great Monty Python song and "Look on the Bright Side of Life." Why freak out and bitch when you can soak in the sun and atmosphere. Have a drink and move on people!!

All in all it was a great vacation!!! I highly look forward to my next one! Maybe, just maybe, we can convince the 'Frew Crew to join us again :)

Goodbye Snicks!!! (originally posted 12/29/2009)

Well, the time we have dreaded has finally arrived.

We have known for about a year now that Ethan is allergic to cats. The allergist told us that it was no problem keeping my beloved Snickers as long as we kept E's bedroom door closed and made sure we were uber-diligent with cleaning.

Well, when Paul took Ethan for his yearly Dr visit, I guess the good Dr was pretty adamant that we get rid of Snicks.

I absolutely refused to send her to the Animal Rescue League (akin the the SPCA), which Paul completely understood as we all know what happens to most adult cats who end up in a shelter. I also did not want to put out a classified Ad to find her a new home. I did not want to give her away to just anyone!!

We have been putting the word out there for several months to everyone we know that we were looking for a nice home for Trix. Well, my entire family was over for Boxing day dinner (and when I say entire I mean like 40 people or so...). My lovely cousin Ally convinced her Mom & Dad to let her have T-Bag!

Ally stopped by last night with her Mom to pick up my kitty. While I am VERY happy she will be with Ally and we can visit whenever we want, it was a bittersweet goodbye as I will miss the fat little furball.

Ethan, the poor dear, sat on the stairs with a sad little face and big wet tears when it was bedtime... he said he couldn't sleep without Snicks meowing once in awhile. (I did not remind him that she never meowed at night... :)

On a lighter note, I am quite pleased I no longer have to clean stinky cat litter!!

Ally also sent me a message this morning that all is well with Fatty at her new home - she cuddled with Ally most of the night!!

So Proud!! (originally posted 10/23/2009)

Two years ago next week, my cousin
Laura and her husband Greg were killed by a drunk driver in a head on collision. They left behind two beautiful children Kali and Jeremy. Their strength and resilience truly amazes me.

Kali has always been very creative and has begun pouring herself into music and making videos to not only memorialize her parents, but also to raise awareness about the hazards of drunk driving. She never wants to have anyone else experience the pain that she and her brother have had to suffer.

Please take a moment to view Kali's video below. And please, for your sake and everyone else's, never EVER let you or anyone you know, drive drunk.

Disappointed... (originally posted 10/28/2008)

Over the last several days I have been member of an online forum that includes a thread devoted to Walt Disney World's Moms Panel that I mentioned in my previous post.

This has been the "virtual waiting room" for those of us waiting to find out if we made it to round 3, as well as those kind enough to cheer us on.

Today, Disney contacted those who have been selected to move on to Round 3 of the Moms Panel selection process.

While I am disappointed and sad that I was not chosen to move forward this year, I am very thankful that I had the opportunity to apply and make it to the second round. I know that any one of the "potential moms" that I have been lucky enough to msg over the last week will be a great addition to the panel.

I look forward to seeing who gets selected and (of course) to applying next year!

Now, I must eat Cheesecake :)

Don't forget to check out Walt Disney World Moms Panel!!!

2009 Disney Mom's Panel (originally posted 10/22/2009)

As I mentioned in my first post, and as those of you who know me already know, I am a 100% Disneyphile :)

We are DVC members and go to Disney World usually about once a year. I get great joy from helping people plan their own Disney vacations so that they can experience its joys first hand. I also love bringing different family members with me when I go to Disney so I can see their emotional first response to viewing the Castle as we cross the lake on the ferry on the way to the Magic Kingdom (only way to go IMHO for your first visit - you really get the full impact of the beautiful park as it comes into view).

Needless to say I was very excited when I found out about the Disney Mom's Panel.

The panel was created by Disney last year and consists of 12 members. These 12 "Moms" offer advice to folks about Walt Disney World vacations. The advice given is unofficial, but it is sanctioned by Disney. I guess in these days of 1,000,001 websites devoted to advice for Disney Vacations, Disney itself decided to offer a venue for real Mom's (and a Dad) to give real unbiased advice for vacation planners.

This year, Disney has expanded the panel to 16. They opened up the 3-step application process this fall. Round 1 was to write 3 short essays in response to provided questions. Based on these responses, a number of "potential Moms" were chosen to move into Round 2, which also consisted of essay questions. Round 3 is a phone interview which is to take place the week of Oct 27, 08.

Well, me being me, I went ahead and applied. I got confirmation that I have moved on to Round 2 on October 7. The selections for Round 3 have not yet been announced so I have been patiently (or not so patiently) waiting to hear!! I am assuming we will here this week as the phone interviews are to start next week.

I really hope that I am chosen for the next round... cross your fingers and spread some pixie dust my way.

I really think this would be a perfect fiit for me...

Rocking the Vote... (originally posted 10/15/2009)

Those who stay away from the election think that one
vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote
will do no harm. ~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone,
and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your
vote is never lost. ~ John Quincy Adams

The Canadian Federal election is now over and I have never been so embarrassed. Not because of the politicians, mind you. Not even because of shifty campaign tactics. Nope, its because I am embarrassed by my family.

My dad was WITH ME when I went to the polling station and refused to vote. I became incensed and told him if I heard him complain ONCE during this term about the Federal Government I was going lose it. I told him you get what you pay for and you didn't pay for anything so suck it up. He then went on to say "they were all the same" (meaning the politicians) and that it wouldn't matter who got elected!!

My mother on the other hand refused to vote because this election was "a disgrace" because she did not know anything about any of the candidates and there were "hardly any signs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I should have told her she was an idiot and to read the newspaper once in awhile.

Knock , knock, knock... anyone home!!!?????

To paraphrase Mark Twain, an uneducated vote IS worse than no vote at all. But to use the lack of signs and not knowing anything about the candidates or platforms as an excuse is absurd.

It is our job as Canadian voters to make an effort. Pick up a paper, turn on the TV, go on the Internet! Not knowing about the candidates is no longer an excuse. It is your job to educate yourself.

Get a GRIP!!!

Rocking the Vote... (originally posted 10/15/2009)

Those who stay away from the election think that one
vote will do no good: 'Tis but one step more to think one vote
will do no harm. ~ Ralph Waldo Emmerson

Always vote for principle, though you may vote alone,
and you may cherish the sweetest reflection that your
vote is never lost. ~ John Quincy Adams

The Canadian Federal election is now over and I have never been so embarrassed. Not because of the politicians, mind you. Not even because of shifty campaign tactics. Nope, its because I am embarrassed by my family.

My dad was WITH ME when I went to the polling station and refused to vote. I became incensed and told him if I heard him complain ONCE during this term about the Federal Government I was going lose it. I told him you get what you pay for and you didn't pay for anything so suck it up. He then went on to say "they were all the same" (meaning the politicians) and that it wouldn't matter who got elected!!

My mother on the other hand refused to vote because this election was "a disgrace" because she did not know anything about any of the candidates and there were "hardly any signs"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I rolled my eyes and walked out the door. I should have told her she was an idiot and to read the newspaper once in awhile.

Knock , knock, knock... anyone home!!!?????

To paraphrase Mark Twain, an uneducated vote IS worse than no vote at all. But to use the lack of signs and not knowing anything about the candidates or platforms as an excuse is absurd.

It is our job as Canadian voters to make an effort. Pick up a paper, turn on the TV, go on the Internet! Not knowing about the candidates is no longer an excuse. It is your job to educate yourself.

Get a GRIP!!!

A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Adulthood… (originaly posted 9/03/08)

To many, the concept of “going green” is appealing.

I personally remember first jumping on the Green bandwagon, back in the late 80’s / early 90’s, before the term “green” meant anything other than the color. I distinctly remember doing a speech in grade 9 about the importance of recycling, the hazards of aerosols, and the chemicals that were being released due to the Styrofoam containers from McDonald’s packaging (remember the McDLT?).

I was absolutely addicted – I had posters on my walls, made sure I cut up those plastic thingys that hold six packs together (I did not want to be responsible for a seal drowning) and preached from my soapbox whenever possible. I even tried to convince my Aunts with young children to start using cloth diapers… that did not go over so well.

Then a funny thing happened, I grew up …

For some reason, when I hit my mid/late teens, the passion I felt for saving the earth went into hibernation. Recycling became about getting my 5 cents back on my soda bottles instead of helping the environment. IF I recycled, it was because I “had” to, not because I SHOULD. I turned the lights on whenever I entered the room, and did not bother to turn them out when I left. I didn’t pay attention to my impact at all.

I was selfish.

A few years ago, things changed. You can thank Al Gore, or whoever you want, but I realized that I had to do my part to make the earth a better place for the future. This “new” passion and awareness that has taken over the globe has caused a revolution – in me, in my company, and across the world. Sure my individual actions are not likely going to save the world or stop the polar ice caps from melting, but imagine the consequences if WE ALL made the choice to do better.

Whether you jump on the bandwagon in order to keep up with the latest trends (thanks again Al) or because you genuinely believe in the environmental movement, it is irrevelant. All you have to do is make a choice. Choose to live your life with the least amount of impact on the environment and do it to the best of YOUR ability. No judgement, no preaching, no guilt. Just do it

When Bodies, Go-Karts, and Steel Beams Collide... (originally posted 08/25/2008)

It comes as no shock to anyone that knows me that I am not exactly the most coordinated person on the face of the earth, far from it in fact!

On Thursday night, I was invited to go Go-Karting after work with the rest of the CFSs and trainers. Well, I was in the first group out and we started zipping around the course. The place is not exactly the nicest, the cars were kind of sketchy, and it was in the middle of nowhere. We did have a great time however, until the inevitable happened.... I had a Jessica moment.

While I was zipping around the track in my little car with the gas pedal that stuck and the brakes that didn't work when low and behold, poor Lara crashed into

the tires ahead of me and got stuck. I did not have time to go around her, and I did not want to hit her nor the poor guy that was helping her, so I chose to go for the tires. Unfortunately for me, I did not see the steel beam that the tire was around...

Needless to say I hit the steel beam head on, protected only by a very thin tire. I was going just about as fast as you could go on a go-kart. Seeing as you cannot wear seat belts on a Go-Kart, my butt slid forward in the seat and slammed, and I mean SLAMMED, against the steering column of the car.

Next day I had a lovely bruise by the afternoon. It seems to get worse as the days go by... enjoy the pics, they are nasty!!

And so it begins... (Originally posted 8/18/08)

So... I am finally taking the plunge and starting off on my journey into the blogosphere. I have been following along with my friends as they document their trials and mostly comical tribulations and figured I might as well join in on the fun.

For those readers who are not lucky enough to know me (I kid!!), my name is Jessica and I am the married mother of one not so little fella. I work at a little company you may have heard of, Xerox, where I am Contract & Finance Specialist.

I am a self-proclaimed nerd, although I have been told I am "smart in school but stupid in the real world", whatever that means... I am an avid read and my iPodan> is loaded with more Musicals than anything else, although I do also have a thing for 70s folk... like I said... NERD.

My biggest obsession is with all things Disney. My husband and I are members of the Disney Vacation Club (DVC) and have been down to Walt Disney World several times since our first trip to the House of Mouse on our honeymoon in 1998. I get great joy from assisting friends, coworkers, and family members in the planning of their own Disney vacations. There is really nothing like it!!

Well that is pretty much it for my very first post. I am very proud of myself. Well, not really, but at least my page won't be naked...